I did a shoot with Gillian this past weekend. I’ve owed her one since last year. It was kind of loosely put together, she just wanted some shots of her looking pretty so it wasn’t anything too “out there”.
Troy work me up at 6:30 am and I in turn woke up Gillian but somehow, we ended up getting to the Bridgetown Warf at about 9 and I had to fight the sun a bit. After the initial set, Troy and I checked out the next location: an upright gang plank hanging over the waters of the Warf. We were pondering the possibilities when I heard a voice behind me. “You want to go on the boat?”, “Huh?” I said, turning around to see a shirtless man, “no we’re not trying to get on the boat”. He assured us that it was ok and proceeded to lower the gang plank. I wasn’t about to refuse an opportunity ?
From there the shoot picked up. We had some shade from the sunlight so the photos were not so contrasty. At one point the captain of the ship came around. At first he looked like he was going to pull a gun on us but after our ‘facilitator’ explained the situation to him he calmed down. Overall I think it was a success, even though we almost lost my flash case and one of Gillian’s shoes to the Warf, I came away with a couple of photos that I like. Special thanks to the shirtless boat keeper!
This is the yacht we were on, “Black Gold”. She’s a nice vessel. I wouldn’t mind going out with her.
One Comment
Nice. That’s a real lucky break.